Tag Archives: Golden Goose

Business basics: The ‘obvious’ advice we should all be giving

1 Jul

Flicking through the latest copy of PR Week, I stumbled across an interview with Miki Haines-Sanger. a PR pro and MD of PR agency, Golden Goose, Miki’s creative works have recently been recognised by one of the most sought after gongs in the PR silver cabinet – a Gold PR Lion. 

There were many things about the interview which touched me something very special indeed – from the fact she began as a Junior Account Executive at a PR firm only in 1997, to the creative campaigns her relatively young company has launched and directed, to the location of the interview itself – at her home, in her kitchen, with her young children well and truly taking part of the limelight too. 

But arguably one of the most thought-provoking things to me, was the answer Miki gave to the question “What advice would you give to people climbing the career ladder?” Her answer: “To work hard and be nice to people.”

Sounds simple, right? But what I think is all too simple, is forgetting the basics which really matter. The business rules which should underpin our every decision, communication and encounter. 

It just so happens, that working hard and being nice to people are my own core business rules. Two basic premises for behaviour, words and attitude which I believe have taken me a long way. And now, as I work with interns keen on joining the PR industry, and give them my own basic advice – I’ve begun wondering, what are the business basics which others might feel compelled to impart?

Always dress the part? Listen first and speak later? There’s no such thing as a stupid question?

Whatever industry you’re from (I’m pretty sure a lot of business basics span a multitude of them), what would your advice be? What are the foundations which you apply to your work day in day out? (or at least try to).

When it comes to the basics, whatever level, there’s always room for improvement. Please do add your own pearls of wisdom to my list.